CS2 Weapon Skins

Oh brother! I’m hooked!
Most people do not know this (only my former clan friends), but I do play video games. And not just any game but “Counter Strike”. I have been playing it since version 1.6 (almost 25 years ago), and with the latest release, still loving it.

But now things have changed!
Not only am I playing the game, but got involved into creating my own skins. As a person with a graphical design background I’m really hooked on creating patterns and skins for my beloved game. Using only Open Source tools as Blender and Gimp I was able to create my first set (with a big thanks to the Youtube channel of “Viper Skins“).
You can view my first skin here!

incama Written by:

Currently working as a Senior Technical Infrastructure admin at a large hospital, former owner of a single person web design company, in love with my wife, trying to cook out of my league, Bitcoin enthusiast, Open Source Don Quichot, human Cat slave.

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