Author: incama

Currently working as a Senior Technical Infrastructure admin at a large hospital, former owner of a single person web design company, in love with my wife, trying to cook out of my league, Bitcoin enthusiast, Open Source Don Quichot, human Cat slave.

4 June 2024 / / CS2
23 March 2024 / / Zabbix
5 December 2023 / / Running
14 March 2023 / / All Sorts Of
4 February 2023 / / Zabbix
19 November 2021 / / Zabbix

As some howto’s and wiki’s disappear from the internet, and I don’t want to use the “way back machine”, here are the sql scripts which I have used to partition the Zabbix History and Trends tables. I have tested these within Mysql v5.7 and v8.0.