Netapp Cluster Mode Simulator Adding Disks (and shelves)

A year ago I posted a way to add more disks to the Netapp Simulator in 7-Mode (well, Peter did that in fact, just copied the post for my own reference). Soooo,.what I missed was to add additional disks to the other simulator, namely the C-mode.

Fire up your virt tool and do the following:


Part 1: Obtaining the SIM

1.1: Download the CDOT 8.2 SIM from > Downloads > Product Evaluations > Data ONTAP Simulator > Simulator 8.x > 8.2 Clustered-ONTAP for VMware Workstation

1.2: Unpack the downloaded vsim_netapp-cm.tgz

1.3: Open the DataONTAP.vmx file with VMware Workstation

Part 2: First Boot

2.1: Boot the simulator

2.2: Press Ctrl-C for Boot Menu when prompted

2.3: Enter selection 4 ‘Clean configuration and initialize all disks’ and answer ‘y’ to the two prompts


Part 3: Replacing the 2x14x1 GB Virtual Disks with 4x14x9 GB!

3.1: After the wipe request from part 2, the SIM will load to ‘Do you want to create a new cluster …’ press Ctrl-C to escape the setup script

3.2: The login is ‘admin’ with no password

3.3: Run through the following commands/prompts

security login unlock -username diag
security login password -username diag
Please enter a new password:XXXXXXXX
Please enter it again:XXXXXXXX
set -privilege advanced
Do you want to continue? y
systemshell local
setenv PATH "${PATH}:/usr/sbin"
echo $PATH
cd /sim/dev/,disks
sudo rm v0*
sudo rm v1*
sudo rm ,reservations
cd /sim/dev
vsim_makedisks -h
sudo vsim_makedisks -n 14 -t 36 -a 0
sudo vsim_makedisks -n 14 -t 36 -a 1
sudo vsim_makedisks -n 14 -t 36 -a 2
sudo vsim_makedisks -n 14 -t 36 -a 3
ls ,disks/
system node halt local
Warning: Are you sure you want to halt the node? y

Note: The SIM comes with 2 virtual shelves of 14 x Type 23 (1GB) disks. Here we’re simply trashing those 2 shelves and adding 4 shelves (which is as many as you can add) of 14 x Type 36 (~9GB) disks.


Part 4: Second Wipe

4.1: Power off the SIM

4.2: Edit the properties of the Virtual Machine to make Hard Disk 4, 550 GB in size

4.3: Power on the SIM

4.4: Press Ctrl-C for Boot Menu when prompted

4.5: Enter selection 5 ‘Maintenance mode boot’

4.6: Assign 3 disks for the Clustered ONTAP dedicated root aggregate, and halt

disk assign v4.16 v4.17 v4.18
disk show

4.7: Power-cycle the SIM

4.8: Press Ctrl-C for Boot Menu when prompted

4.9: Enter selection 4 ‘Clean configuration and initialize all disks’ and answer ‘y’ to the two prompts


Part 5: Cluster Setup and Aggregate Setup

5.1: After the wipe request from part 2, the SIM will load to ‘Do you want to create a new cluster …’ follow the prompts to create your cluster

Note: SIM Base License Key is SMKQROWJNQYQSDAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (that’s 14 A’s!)

5.2: Login to the cluster

5.3: Run through the following commands/prompts to create the largest CDOT 8.2 SIM aggregate possible!

storage disk assign -all true -node lab-01
system node run -node lab-01 options disk.maint_center.spares_check off
storage aggregate create -aggregate a_lab01_01 -diskcount 53 -nodes lab-01 -maxraidsize 28

And the output to show the nearly 400GB lab simulator aggregate!

storage aggregate show
Aggregate     Size Available Used% State
--------- -------- --------- ----- ------
a_lab01_01 387.6GB   387.6GB    0% online
aggr0       7.91GB   379.0MB   95% online
incama Written by:

Currently working as a Senior Technical Infrastructure admin at a large hospital, former owner of a single person web design company, in love with my wife, trying to cook out of my league, Bitcoin enthusiast, Open Source Don Quichot, human Cat slave.

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