Author: incama

Currently working as a Senior Technical Infrastructure admin at a large hospital, former owner of a single person web design company, in love with my wife, trying to cook out of my league, Bitcoin enthusiast, Open Source Don Quichot, human Cat slave.

20 May 2016 / / OpenStack

It’s been there already for a while. I wonder why I didn’t play with it much sooner, mmm. But then, it is never too late to learn something new.

As Openstack seems to be very complex to set up, Openstack now offers a way to easily build your own lab environment, just for the fun of it. Well, I fired up my Vmware Workstation and gave it  try.
This document is basically a translation of a dozen of howto’s I came across and indeed got me a working Openstack instance. The goal is to build a 4 node Openstack test lab and here’s how I did it.

4 May 2016 / / All Sorts Of
16 September 2015 / / Docker Containers

Well, it took me a while, but I feel I’m on a new crossroad right now! Today I found the real power of Docker Containers, Zabbix, Mariadb & Synology. In one word WOW!

I guess I am now obliged to get a tut up and running within a few days as I did struggle to get 1+1=2 running up and functional. Stay tuned.

12 August 2015 / / Netapp

A year ago I posted a way to add more disks to the Netapp Simulator in 7-Mode (well, Peter did that in fact, just copied the post for my own reference). Soooo,.what I missed was to add additional disks to the other simulator, namely the C-mode.

Fire up your virt tool and do the following:


Part 1: Obtaining the SIM

1.1: Download the CDOT 8.2 SIM from > Downloads > Product Evaluations > Data ONTAP Simulator > Simulator 8.x > 8.2 Clustered-ONTAP for VMware Workstation

1.2: Unpack the downloaded vsim_netapp-cm.tgz

1.3: Open the DataONTAP.vmx file with VMware Workstation

20 May 2015 / / Bitcoin
8 January 2015 / / Storage